
Bret Victor
  • The Future of Programming [>]
  • Inventing on Principle [>]
Daniel Westheide
  • The Complexity Trap: Think Before You Leap [>]
Jakob Jenkov
  • Java Concurrency and Multithreading [>]
Leslie Lamport and Erik Meijer
  • Mathematical Reasoning and Distributed Systems [>]
Martin Kleppmann
  • Is Kafka a Database? [>]
  • “Transactions: myths, surprises and opportunities” [>]
Stefan Tilkov
  • “Good Enough” Architecture [>]
  • Microservice Patterns & Antipatterns [>]
  • Blockchain: The Slowest (and most Fascinating) Database in the World [>]
  • REST: I don’t Think it Means What You Think it Does [>]